
One of the most important things in making a movie is editing. The editor has so much power. If an editor can edit a movie properly, he or she can use it to manipulate time and space. Editing can make the mood of the movie happy, sad and so on. One movie that really has amazing editing and uses it to manipulate time and space is the film Sucher Punch. In Sucker Punch, the editor really plays with time anImaged space. When the main character (Babydoll) is about to get a lobotomy done to her she imagines/hallucinates another world were she and four other girls are trying to escape out of this “whore house” (which is the mental asylum in reality) they are stuck in. They only have five days to do it (which in reality is the amount of days Babydoll gets her lobotomy). When Babydoll is in the “whore house” she dances to distract the bidders so the other people can get items why need to escape. It is then she become transported into another crazy world full of action and even more violence. Technically becoming a dream in a dream. It is very hard to explain but as you can see the director (Zack Snyder) really wanted to play with the audience’s mind and did an amazing job at doing it. It is a great movie to watch and I recommend it to everyone. Although it may look “kiddish”, it is far from it and has some disturbing scenes that kids should not watch. The movie is full of emotions, it’s shocking, plays with the viewer’s head and has really epic action as well. None of this could have been done if it wasn’t for good editing.

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